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Adult Full Body for X-Ray CT, MRI

The Adult Full Body Phantom (FB-A01) is a versatile training product compatible with X-Ray/CT and MRI. It is primarily used for training and demonstrating patient positioning techniques in radiology and provides hands-on experience with diagnostic imaging. The phantom’s bones are individually cast with adjustable three-layered structures, and they can be customized with different pathologies. It is available in transparent or skin-colored versions.


  • Full Human Body (10 Parts)
  • Realistic Body Tissue-Mimicking Material
  • Rotatable Shoulders (360° Around and 180° Sideways)
  • Movable Hip, Knee, and Elbow Joints
  • Detachable Head, Torso, and Limbs
  • Adult Head
    – Skull
    – Brain
    – Brain Tissue
    – Grey and White Matter
    – Air Cavities
    – Frontal Sinus with Air Gaps
  • Adult Torso
    – Spine
    – Ribcage